KYG 2007: Gov. Gregoire Interview
Youth Reporters Cover "Media and Politics" At 4-H Know Your Government Conference
Participants in the 2007 4-H Know Your Government Conference at the State Capitol in Olympia this February experienced something new they will likely never forget. The conference theme, "Media and Politics," was a perfect fit for 4-H State Ambassadors to practice the role of 4-H Network News political reporters. After an intense evening of training on camera, these articulate youth leaders moved throughout the Capitol, interviewing State Senators and Representatives from their various districts.
Kyle Simon, Kittitas County 4-H member and 4-H State Ambassador, conducted an on camera interview with Governor Christine Gregoire. The interview was a spontaneous one which occurred when the 4-H news team peered over the railing in the Capitol Dome and saw the Governor talking with school groups below. They hustled down the stairs to approach the Governor, who immediately recognized the 4-H microphone flag and knew she was in for a professional interview. Kyle showed his poise under pressure as he quickly prepared his microphone and positioned himself among the crowd of people to ask her, "Is there anything that you can recommend for youth to become more involved in the democratic process?
Governor Gregoire replied enthusiastically, "I'm a big fan of students signing up to be pages during the legislative session. Both of my daughters were pages. They had a great time for a week. They earned money, they learned about the process, they made friends for life from across the state. So if you really want to get engaged or involved, be an intern if you're in college, be a page if you're in high school - I think it's the best way to learn the process."
Three hundred Washington State teens attended this year's 4-H Know Your Government Conference and learned how the role of media can impact politicians, legislation and public opinion. Teens accepted responsibilities of writers, reporters, radio announcers, researchers and photographers and experienced first hand how their journalistic style can impact the way a story is told and the affect it may have on decision makers and policy.
Jan Klein, State 4-H Teen Leadership Coordinator, stated, "We are so proud of our 4-H youth. They study hard before attending these conferences and have to really focus their energies to accomplish the required tasks. I am pleasantly surprised each year with their high quality performance."
A variety of journalists presented during the youth conference, including KIRO radio host Ron Reagan, the son of former President Ronald Regan and KIRO's Chief Political Analyst, Adam Wilson, political writer for The Olympian, Ian Fox, KGY reporter and Nicole Sanchez from KCPQ-TV news. TVW President Cindy Zehnder spoke at a legislative luncheon on the last day. All events, including a dance, were held at the Red Lion Hotel in Olympia.
The 4-H Know Your Government Conference is a hands-on educational opportunity for youth ages 14 - 18. Over 80,000 youth participate in 4-H programs statewide in areas including leadership, service learning, the arts, science and technology. To learn more about 4-H programs throughout Washington State go to or call your county WSU Extension office.
Washington State 4-H KYG
Washington State Page Program
See Interview Photo On Seattle PI MySeattlePix