Denny Fleenor from WSU and Pat Boyes from 4-H host a
4-H Know Your Government: Decision 2008 virtual caucus through video technology.
Click on the link below for the following KYG video:4-H Know Your Government: Decision 2008 virtual caucus through video technology.
Date: January 23
Time: 6:00 - 8:30 pm
Program Description: Decision 2008 is the focus of Washington State 4-H Know Your Government Conference in Olympia, in February of 2008. This year, participants will explore political parties and the nomination process. Through pre-conference orientation, participants will learn about different political parties and the development of resolutions that support planks that together produce a party platform. On this broadcast, county delegations will present their candidate and platform planks at a Statewide Virtual Community Caucus.
Each county will have approximately 3 minutes to present their planks as best identifying the concerns and issues of 4-H youth across the State, and persuade other counties to adopt these planks to form the Statewide 4-H platform at the conference in Olympia. Planks will be categorized in eightareas: education, immigration, election reform, environment, health care, energy, security & safety and economy and presented at the end of the broadcast. County candidates will be introduced for the first time highlighting the beginning of their campaign.