Caleb Klein wins 2008 4-H KYG Election!

Caleb Klein's speech to the 2008 4-H KYG Conference.

Caleb Klein's initial impressions of the 2008 4-H KYG Conference.

Caleb Klein

Lincoln County

I am hereby informing you of my intent to seek the 4-H KYG party nomination for the 2008 election. My name is Caleb M. Klein. I am 17 and live in Lincoln County. Currently a Junior at Christian Heritage School, I plan to attend a Liberal Arts College to earn a degree in Musical or Theatrical Arts. I hope to one day become a teacher.It would be an honor for me to represent the 4-H KYG party because I know that I would be representing the life skills and values which make up the 4-H program. It is those skills and values which make 4-H and KYG the extremely positive forces that they are today. Music Education, Alternative Energy, Agricultural Conservation, and Leadership Development are several issues that are important to me.

Submitted by Caleb K.

Statewide Caucus Video Stream

To view the Statewide Caucus video stream for the
2008 4-H Know Your Government Conference,
click on the following link:

Victoria Wilson-Thurston County Candidate

Victoria Wilson speaks at the 2008 4-H KYG Conference.

This is a letter of intent to inform you that I have decided to seek the 4-H KYG party nomination for the 2008 election. My name is Victoria Wilson. I live in Thurston County and I am 18. I am currently a senior at Timberline High School. I plan to attend a four-year college to get a degree in Psychology. I want to represent the 4-H KYG party because I would like to lead this party to become effective in the political process of our future. The issues that are important to me are: education, environment, foreign and domestic priorities, urban sprawl, health care for all, and the flooding in Chehalis Washington.

Benjamin Janicki - Skagit County Candidate

Benjamin Janicki speaks at the 2008 4-H KYG Conference.

Canditate Name: Benjamin Janicki

Skagit County

My name is Benjamin Janicki, and I am seeking the 4-H KYG party nomination for the 2008 election. I live in Skagit County and I am 16 years old. I am currently in the 10th grade and I've been involved in 4-H poultry and sheep projects for eight years. I am a long-time member of the "Kids for Chickens" 4-H club, and have recently joined the "Sea-Tech" club. Attending a four-year university and studying engineering is my goal for the future.

I raise many different types of chicken breeds, heritage turkeys, quail, ducks, pheasants, and guard dogs to protect our livestock. I also raise old-style Horned Dorset sheep, and work with draft horses and ponies for farm work and riding. I count the salmon runs in Mundt Creek, and my interests include being outdoors, and playing the piano.

I want to run for this position because I am very interested in educating people about 4-H, and raising animals. I have worked to support 4-H and get more young people to join. I have been very interested in politics for quite some time, and would like to take this opportunity to learn more and educate others about our political system. I also hope that I can possibly influence people and politicians in our state to consider our planks and values.Promoting higher education and protecting the environment are major concerns of mine. I believe the best way to go about this task is to educate myself, and become involved in student government.

Submitted by: Benjamin J.

Paul French - Benton/Franklin Candidate

Paul French speaks at the 2008 4-H KYG Conference.

Hello, my name is Paul French, and I am writing this to inform you of my intent to run for the 4-H KYG party nomination for the 2008 election. I am 17 years old, and I live in Benton County.

I am the Associated Student Body President at Richland High School, where I am a senior. I am currently taking three Advanced Placement classes and have a history of AP and Honors classes as well. My short term plan is to transfer to Oregon Institute of Technology, become a Certified Nuclear Medicine Technician, then go back to school while working to earn a Masters of Public Administration so I can get into city government, and eventually become a city manager.

I want to represent the 4-H Know Your Government party, because I believe that our party accurately represents a true to life plan for accomplishing not only the will of the people, but the progression of moderate ideology and betterment of society. And instead of just being a part, I want to be the driving force of said ideals.

Though over-representation of any one issue is not ideal, the issues most important to me include: solid healthcare structure, improved education, clean energy, and political/tax reform.

Paul French

Gabrielle Rasmussen - King County Candidate

Gabrielle Rasmussen speaks at the 2008 4-H KYG Conference.

Candidate Name: Gabrielle Rasmussen

King County

This being my letter of intent, I wish to inform you that, I, Gabrielle Rasmussen, will be running for governor of Washington State on the 4-H Know Your Government Platform.
I have been a homeschooler for the past 4 years and am currently a sophomore. I will be attending a university and pursuing a career in the medical field.

I am representing the 4-H KYG Party because we are the leaders of tomorrow. Some issues that are important to me are immigration, education, and environment.

Cory Olson - Lewis County Candidate

Cory Olson speaks at the 2008 4-H KYG Conference.

Candidate Name: Cory Olson

Lewis County

This is my letter of intent to inform you that I've made the decision to seek the nomination to seek the nomination of the 4H KYG party for the 2008 election. My name is Cory Olson I live in Lewis County and I'm 17
years old.

I am currently a junior at Adna High School and I am enrolled in Running Start at Centralia College. After high school my plans are to attend a university pursuing a degree in music or chemistry and eventually go to medical school.

I would like to represent the 4-H KYG party because I feel that it is my duty to represent the people and provide needed change to our political system.

The following issues are important to me; environment, education, immigration, public transportation, health care, and the value of the American dollar.

Claire Watson - Kitsap County Candidate

Claire Watson speaks at the 2008 4-H KYG Conference.

Claire Watson's initial impressions of the 2008 4-H KYG Conference.

Candidate Name: Claire Watson

Kitsap County

This is a letter of intent to inform you that I have decided to seek the 4-H KYG party nomination for the 2008 election. My name is Claire Watson. I live in Kitsap County. I am seventeen years old.

I am currently a student at Kingston High School, and I hope to further my education at Stanford University, with a focus on history, world languages, and political science.

I want to represent the 4-H KYG party because I am a strong, experienced leader who believes in the power of democracy.

Issues which are important to me are: making higher education accessible and affordable for everyone, revamping our health care system, and reversing the damage being done to our environment. I believe that with clear, compassionate and effective leadership, great things are possible.

Luka Mackay - Whatcom County Candidate

Luka MacKay gives her speech at the 2008 4-H KYG Conference.

Candidate Name: Luka MacKay

Whatcom/Snohomish county's letter of intent:
Some people dream in color, some people dream in black and white, I dream in purple. My name is Luka MacKay, I am 17 and am here to represent the union of two counties, Snohomish and Whatcom county. I am pleased to announce my candidacy for the Washington State KYG Govorner. I currently attend Whatcom Community College and have been in 4-H for going on eight years now. After Whatcom I plan on attending a 4 year college and studying animal science and possibly veterinary science.

I am a strong believer of acceptance and individuality. Everyone is different and should be embraced for their differences. I am running because I believe in making a difference, and helping others. It seems that the political world, and in turn our entire country, is so divided. I want to change this. We all live in the land of the free, the best nation on earth, I want to help the people unite together under our flag. I am also a strong believer of the peoples word. It seems that with all the previous election issues we are not able to accurately record and act upon the word of the people. I propose an election reform that helps us to better listen to and act upon your, the peoples, word.

For more information on me and my resolutions please check out my myspace page at,

Josh Gronewold: Stevens County Candidate

Josh Gronewold gives his speech at the 2008 4-H KYG Conference.

Candidate Name: Josh Gronewold

Stevens County

Hello, my name is Josh Gronewold and I am a senior at Colville High School. I currently live in Stevens County.

My future plans are to graduate from high school and go into the Navy as a hospital corpsman. I am already enlisted into the Delayed Entry Program for high school seniors. I plan on getting an education in the healthcare field so understanding and knowing about health care issues will be really beneficial for me.

I want to run as a KYG candidate because I can learn a lot about campaigns and how local and national issues are resolved. I am interested in learning how to be part of a campaign and how using party planks help to get controversial issues before the general population.

Security and Safety, Health Care, and Immigration are important issues to me.

Connor Wilson - Ferry County Candidate

Connor Wilson gives his speech at the 2008 4-H KYG Conference.

Candidate Name: Connor Wilson

Ferry County

I, Connor Wilson, intend to seek KYG party nomination in this year of 2008. I am a 16 year old from Ferry County.

Right now I am attending Curlew High School as a junior, when I graduate, I will move on to Unknown University to study the unknown. I am also a CTR in our local 4-H program.

Someday I want to influence the world for the better, but to do anything large, you have to start on a more local level. I want to start making things better on the local and state levels.

Things I care about most: progress and advancement, lessening harmful impact of our activities, equalizing budgets, and preservation of freedom and equality.

Tessa Larsen - Candidate for Grant County

Tessa Larsen gives her speech at the 2008 4-H KYG Conference.

Tessa Larsen

Grant County

This is a letter of intent to inform you that I have decided to seek the 4-H KYG party nomination for the 2008 election. My name is Tessa Larsen. I live in Grant County and I am 16 years old.I am currently a student at Moses Lake Christian Academy and plan to pursue a degree in agriculture from Washington State University. I want to represent the

4-H KYG party because I believe that our party is the future of politics, and I want to be a part of that. Issues important to me in the State of Washington include: health care, the economy, safety and security, energy, and education.

Submitted by: Tessa L.

Chloe Robocker: Jefferson County Candidate

Chloe Robocker' speech at the 2008 4-H KYG Conference.

Chloe Robocker shares her initial impressions of the 2008 4-H Know Your Government Conference.


This is my letter of intent to inform you that I have decided to seek the 4-H KYG party nomination for the 2008 election. My name is Chloe Robocker. I am 15 years old and I live in Jefferson County, Washington.

I am currently a student at Chimacum High School and my future plans are to attend an excellent four year college, and then proceed onto law school to earn my law degree. I plan to practice law in the field of Domestic Relations. I chose that field because I feel I could bring my problem solving abilities and my love of family values to that arena.

I want to represent the 4-H KYG party because I am a leader not a follower. I want to be a part of the future and I believe that we are "It." I presently have a leadership position in our school's Associated Student Body. I am also our class treasurer and in that role I represent my Freshman class to the rest of the high school.

My primary issue is health care. The reason I chose health care as a key issue is because it effects families, the government, employers, and the entire community of the United States. Lack of universal health care insurance can cause financial ruin to families and bring about the very destruction of family networks. My secondary issue must be the environment. We must save our planet, not just for our generation but for all generations to come. My children, my children's children are all counting on us. We need to stop global warming NOW. We need to invest in renewable power sources. Other important issues that need to be dealt with by effective leadership include Immigration, Election Reform and Energy.

I am looking forward to being the leader that emerges from this election. I am ready to take on the hard challenges.


Candidate for the 4H KYG PARTY

4H Know Your Government: Statewide Virtual Community Caucus

Denny Fleenor from WSU and Pat Boyes from 4-H host a
4-H Know Your Government: Decision 2008 virtual caucus through video technology.

Click on the link below for the following KYG video:

January 23
6:00 - 8:30 pm
Program Description:
Decision 2008 is the focus of Washington State 4-H Know Your Government Conference in Olympia, in February of 2008. This year, participants will explore political parties and the nomination process. Through pre-conference orientation, participants will learn about different political parties and the development of resolutions that support planks that together produce a party platform. On this broadcast, county delegations will present their candidate and platform planks at a Statewide Virtual Community Caucus.

Each county will have approximately 3 minutes to present their planks as best identifying the concerns and issues of 4-H youth across the State, and persuade other counties to adopt these planks to form the Statewide 4-H platform at the conference in Olympia. Planks will be categorized in eightareas: education, immigration, election reform, environment, health care, energy, security & safety and economy and presented at the end of the broadcast. County candidates will be introduced for the first time highlighting the beginning of their campaign.

King County presents its platform at the 2008 4-H Know Your Government Virtual Caucus